St John the Baptist Witheridge with Creacombe and Romansleigh
Post Code EX16 8AF
Churchwarden - Mrs Sue Wells

Regular Services:

Sundays at 09:30

Sunday mornings at 9.30 for a service of Holy Communion or Morning Prayer


We offer a more formal type of service grounded in Church of England liturgy with the love of God at the heart of all we do and offer. The services are in modern language using Common Worship resources to mark every season of the church year.


Services continue to be recorded and can be accessed via the ‘The church of St John the Baptist, Witheridge’ facebook page

2nd Wednesday of the month

2nd Wednesday 10:30 am Contemplative Worship


A monthly, midweek service of prayerful, quiet reflection with readings and music


Built about 1428, but with some remains of Early English and Norman features, the building contains many notable features. These include a stone font and pulpit, a squint, many stained glass windows, a peal of eight bells and a statue of the patron saint. Historically it was the centre of the Anglo-Saxon hundred.

In the year 2000 we had an area at the back of the church refurbished and made into a kitchen area which includes a toilet and hand-washing facilities, a facility much appreciated by our parishioners and where new and old blend well together.


The Safeguarding reprsentative for Witheridge Church is Mrs. Sue Wells Tel. 01884 861383